
jbse에서 gradlew build 가 되지 않을 때 (failed gradlew build) 본문


jbse에서 gradlew build 가 되지 않을 때 (failed gradlew build)

(OBO) 2020. 5. 29. 17:16

1. Check JDK Version

- You have to download JDK 8 (https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase-jdk8-downloads.html)

-result (if result is not like this, remove previous JDK : https://pi-314.tistory.com/105?category=262621 )

% java -version
java version "1.8.0_251"

2. Check Your z3 path

-  You have to switch code on jbse/src/test/java/jbse/dec/DecisionProcedureTest.java

- If you don't know your z3 path, check this site :  https://pi-314.tistory.com/105?category=262621

public class DecisionProcedureTest {
	private static final String SWITCH_CHAR = System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().contains("windows") ? "/" : "-";
    private static final ArrayList<String> Z3_COMMAND_LINE = new ArrayList<>();
    static {
    	Z3_COMMAND_LINE.add("/usr/local/bin/z3"); // You have to switch to your z3 path
    	Z3_COMMAND_LINE.add(SWITCH_CHAR + "smt2");
    	Z3_COMMAND_LINE.add(SWITCH_CHAR + "in");
    	Z3_COMMAND_LINE.add(SWITCH_CHAR + "t:10");



./gradlew build // on mac